<div class="textcontainer"> <h3>About Me</h3> <p class="margin"> </p> <div class="center-row"> <p id="aboutme"> My name is Christopher Rivers. I'm a junior at Harvard studying Physics and Philosophy. This is my website that will document my various exploits and escapades in PS70: Intro to Digital Fabrication! </p> </div> <p class="margin"> </p> I'm very excited to be in this class because I love making things! I'm a creative at heart and although I don't have much experience with most of the methods we'll be using in this class, I'm so excited to learn them all! <p class="margin"> </p> <div class="flexrow"> </p> <p class="margin"></p> Outside of thinking about systems in physics and thinking about thinking in philosophy, I love to make art and music. I sing and play guitar (badly) and I really like to draw. I used to work mostly in charcoal, but lately I've been working to teach myself digital art. I also do a lot of theater around campus, particularly technical theater with a focus on set-building and sound design. <p class="margin"> </p> <div class="flexrow"> </p> <p class="margin"></p> Head on over to my page on [Week 1](./01_intro/index.html) to check out my ideas for my final project! </div>