About Me
My name is Christopher Rivers. I'm a junior at Harvard studying Physics and Philosophy. This is my website that will document my various exploits and escapades in PS70: Intro to Digital Fabrication!
I'm very excited to be in this class because I love making things! I'm a creative at heart and although I don't have much experience with most of the methods we'll be using in this class, I'm so excited to learn them all!
Outside of thinking about systems in physics and thinking about thinking in philosophy, I love to make art and music. I sing and play guitar (badly) and I really like to draw. I used to work mostly in charcoal, but lately I've been working to teach myself digital art. I also do a lot of theater around campus, particularly technical theater with a focus on set-building and sound design.
Head on over to my page on [Week 1](./01_intro/index.html) to check out my ideas for my final project!